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   ">> ºñ°ø½ÄºÎ¹® ±¹Á¦´ëȸ(2003³â 12¿ù, Àεµ)"
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Âü°í·Î ÀÌ ºñ°ø½ÄºÎ¹® ±¹Á¦´ëȸÀÇ Á¶Á÷À» Ã¥ÀÓÁö°í ÀÖ´Â SEWA´Â ºñ°ø½Ä ºÎ¹® ¿©¼º¿îµ¿À» Àû±ØÀûÀ¸·Î ÁøÇàÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Â ´ÜüÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ ´ÜüÀÇ È¨ÆäÀÌÁö ÁÖ¼Ò´Â http://www.sewa.orgÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
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ATTENTION: Kim Heung-Hyun (President) or Shin Hie-Chul (Coordinator)

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Wed, 17 Sep 2003 15:17:06 +0530

ATTENTION: Kim Heung-Hyun (President) or Shin Hie-Chul (Coordinator)

National Alliance of Street Vendors of Korea

Address: 313-2 2F, Sngin2-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, 138-1380 KOREA

Tel. +82 2 2232 0685/6

Fax +82 2 2232 0687

e-mail: livre9@hotmail.com

Sub : Invitation to international conference on organising in the

informal economy

Further to the discussions and conclusions adopted at the International Labour Conference in Geneva on Decent Work in the Informal Economy in June 2002, it is very clear that the most basic way to promote decent work in the informal economy is to increase and advance the level of organisation and representation of workers in the informal economy. All other measures mentioned in these Conclusions, such as government policies, legislation and support measures, and actions by employers and NGOs, become more effective the more organised the workers actually are themselves. The co-operation between the few (but growing) existing organisations of workers in the informal economy with mainstream trade union structures achieved very good results in the Committee on Decent Work in the Informal Economy at the International Labour Conference in 2002. In order to take this further, we have decided to convene an international conference of membership-based organisations (unions, federations, associations, alliances and networks) who are directly organising workers in the informal economy, with the following objectives:

- Sharing of experiences between organisational practitioners, and identifying the issues affecting informal workers;

- Development of strategies to intensify organisation in the informal economy;

- Identification of existing and new partnerships and alliances;

- Identification of processes of representation at international forums (e.g. ILO, WTO, etc.)

- Discussion about co-ordination between organisations of workers in the informal economy, and development of mechanisms for such co-ordination.


An international organising committee has been constituted, consisting of the Self-Employed Women¡¯s Association (SEWA) of India, HomeNet Thailand, the Ghana Trades Union Congress, the Nigeria Labour Congress and StreetNet International. A local organising committee in Ahmedabad has been constituted by SEWA to carry out local organising functions.


DATES: Wednesday – Saturday 3 – 6 December 2003

VENUE: Hotel Cama, Ahmedabad, India

SEWA will organise an exposure programme for conference participants beforehand on Monday and Tuesday 1 and 2 December 2003, to visit some of SEWA¡¯s members and different departments and operational units, for those participants who will be interested to see at first hand how SEWA works.


We have pleasure in inviting your organisation to send one participant to this conference. Please let us know by not later than Wednesday 15th October 2003 of the name and direct contact details of the person who will represent your organisation at the conference (as per attached participation form) and we will be in touch with her/him during October/November with details of travel arrangements, and when and where to pick up her/his ticket in time to apply for a visa if required. If the person does not yet have a passport, we would suggest that (s)he make application for one as soon as possible.

Participants will be accommodated (sharing two per room) at the Hotel Cama, the conference venue. Please note that the costs of travel to Ahmedabad, local transport in India, shared accommodation and subsistence for your organisation¡¯s participant will be borne from the conference funds – and therefore no per diem will be paid. We will request that other expenses, including costs of obtaining passports and visas, and local transport in the home country, be borne by your organisation or the participant.


As one of the primary aims of the conference is the sharing of organisational experiences and strategies, we would request that your participant bring the following materials to the conference:

1. A paper containing the following information (hard copy - as well as on disk or sent by e-mail in advance if possible):

- briefly profiling the informal economy in your country;

- describing your organisation (scope and structure)

- describing your organisational and representational strategies for workers in the informal economy;

- describing your collective bargaining strategy for the informal economy;

- describing your alliances (if any) with other informal economy organisations;

- describing your national and international trade union affiliation/alliances (if any)

2. Any other materials about your organisation, including photographs of workers in the informal economy in your country, and of organisational activities.


Tables will be made available for the sale of traditional crafts from different countries by participants. Your participant should inform us on registration whether (s)he will be needing a table for this purpose.

There will also be a cultural evening event, where participants who wish to do so will present items such as traditional songs or dances. For this event, all participants are invited to wear traditional attire from their countries. Your participant should inform us on registration whether (s)he will be presenting an item during the cultural evening, to allow for some advance planning of the logistics.

We look forward to your organisation¡¯s participation in this exciting conference.

Yours¡¯ Sincerely

Namarta Bali

General Secretary - SEWA


FAMILY NAME: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦

OTHER NAMES: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦...

ORGANISATION: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦.

COUNTRY: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦

ADDRESS: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦.



TELEPHONE: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦

FAX: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦

E-MAIL: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦..

PASSPORT NUMBER: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦..

PLACE/DATE OF ISSUE OF PASSPORT: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦..

PASSPORT EXPIRY DATE: ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦.


SPECIAL DIET REQUIRED ? ¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦...

If YES, specify.



Please return this participation form to (name) by 15th October 2003

FAX: +91 79 550 6446


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